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Nice Mail to the Tiffany Site#10: October, 1998 - January, 1999Here is some of the positive feedback the Tiffany web site has received. Earlier Messages | Later Messages Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 13:33:31 -0600 (CST) From: moonshine_anne@hotmail.com (Tiffany Anne Waldron) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = I went to search and typed in Tiffany Well the reason why I'm writing this is because my sister and i used to sing and dance to Tiffany. but my favorite song by far is Tiff's Back. I miss listening to althoughs songs. I would listen to them but some stold all of mine and I don't have much money to buy any tapes or cd's. Let me get right to the point, I would like to be a singer myself but I don't believe that I can make without singing lesions. And I really wish I had the total and complete singing voice without ant help, like my dad has. Sorry this is so long. I really like te idea of this web site, Thank You. I hope Tiffany does make a BIG!!! come back, and soon. Thank You For This Site Tiffany Anne Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 12:51:41 -0600 (CST) From: greatsasuke98@hotmail.com (robert) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WHAT UP TIFFANY FANS? LIKE MANY OF YOU I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR "NEW INSIDE" AND "JETSONS". I FINALLY FOUND A PLACE THAT CARRIES THEM CALLED SOUND CITY(THANKS TO A FELLOW FAN WITH THE INFO) HOWEVER, I HAVE BEEN WAITING ABOUT 2 MONTHS NOW TO RECEIVE MY ORDERS. HAS ANYBODY ELSE ORDERED FROM THERE? I KNOW I MUST BE PATIENT BUT HOW LONG DOES IT USUALLY TAKE? ALSO, WHATS TO BE EXPECTED FROM "NEW INSIDE"? WELL HOPE TO HEAR FROM YOU SOON! THANKS, ROBERT Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 17:18:45 -0600 (CST) From: lil_peach215@hotmail.com (Jolene Galloway) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback I love Tiffany so much. She will be Here in My Heart, but are we in her heart? I hope she gets more involved with her fans! What is she up to? I'm dying to know! Date: Sat, 23 Jan 1999 16:41:05 -0500 From: Wade K <wade@ao.net> To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Question Do you know if the video version of "I think were alone now" was ever released? The video version was different from the 7" and LP versions. Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 20:26:47 -0500 To: webmaster@tiffany.org From: Kim Boos <jazzmen@erols.com> Subject: Tiffany Tiffany rules!I love her music so much.I know she writes her songs.She has so much talent and great dance moves.So why is she not putting out records now.She must be a washed up little tramp or a cocaine freak. From: "Reinaldo and Lorraine" <aviator@niagara.com> To: <webmaster@tiffany.org> Subject: Question Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 23:59:02 -0500 I was a big fan of Tiffany back in the late 80's, I think she was the gratest. I was curious to know what she is doing lately. Is she still singing? Has she released any new albums? Please let me know if its not too much trouble. Thanks. aviator@niagara.com Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 12:53:36 -0600 (CST) From: JoeyJ29@hotmail.com (Warren) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback My name is warren and even if Tiffany isn't popular any more I still love her. She rocks Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 15:24:40 -0600 (CST) From: 1minor@gte.net (David Kimball) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback Hey Tiffany! Your sax/guitarist Mitch where is he? I moved up here from CA. He is my friend. I heard he lives in the Seattle area.Do you have an adress, e-mail or something of his? Thanx David K Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 14:35:35 PST From: "N10030 N10030" <n10030@hotmail.com> Dear Webmaster, That is a Brilliant Site you have there, PLEASE, do not ever let it disapear!, I am a TIFFANY fan, i have been since January the 8th, 1998 at 7:10PM!!!!!!!, and will ALWAYS BE!!!!!!! I hope you all had a Great Christmas and a Supurb New Year from ME!. Thankyou again for such a Brilliant site, i WILL be visiting again, soon!. !THANKYOU! . Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 00:41:16 -0600 (CST) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback Name = Tiffany Fan Thank you for having a site for fans of Tiffany. I have been a fan of Tiffany's for several years. I have been wondering what happened to her and if she planned on making a comeback. I for one will buy any cd's she releases!!! I think we are alone now was the best of all her songs!! Thank you again. Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1999 23:58:11 -0600 (CST) From: astarre@succeed.net (Brian Longstreth) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = Linked off another page Just wanted to let you know that I found an unlisted edition of "New Inside". It's Japanese with a catalogue number of MVCZ-4, a price of Y2,500 on the spine. It's the size of a 10" record, with the width of a CD. It was still sealed (I got it for about $4), so I opened it. Inside it on the left is a picture of Tiffany w/ the Tiffany logo...the right side is a foam sleeve with a sealed copy of "New Inside" CD. Also included inside is a plastic bag with 4 glamour photos of Tiffany...in colour. If you want or need anymore info about this item, drop me an email. I'm the guy that originally emailed you about the "In the Dark". That's still one of my favourite Tiffany songs. Also A Starre, Brian Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 19:59:16 -0500 From: "jay1000@netzero.com" <jay1000@netzero.com> To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: hi Hello, I was wondeirng if you knew of a address to send tiffany fan mail? I have so much I'd like to tell her and I know she is no longer with PLA. please respond soon. Thanks so much! Jay Milliner Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 12:10:53 -0600 (CST) From: webmaster@softdisk.com (Jolene Galloway) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = On school computer Hello my name is Jolene Galloway. I have neglected Tiffany for many years. My favorite singer is Deborah Gibson now, but I realize how much I miss Tiffany. I knew about Tiffany before The New Kids and Debbie Gibson. Maybe I felt neglected when she got married and had a baby. How selfish of me!!! What I'm saying is, "I'm Back In The Groove Now", and I'm so glade I'm back together again. I need to gain all of my lost merchandise on Tiffany. I will buy and take everything for this Princess of POP! Right now I have no email. Please write me with any info at 823 West 42nd Street, Houston Texas 77018. I also need pen pals to talk to about somebody who can knock Mariah Carey off the charts!!! This is very important to me. Please write! Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 13:38:36 -0600 (CST) From: schouler.sylvie@universal.fr (schouler) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback i would like more more new of tiffany i live in bordeaux france Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:05:32 -0600 (CST) From: schouler.sylvie@universal.fr (schouler) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = on the cd now i like tiff and i would like other fans on tiffany Date: Wed, 23 Dec 1998 20:53:39 EST To: webmaster@tiffany.org Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: Tiffany Hi: My name is Candace. I am a big fan of Tiffany's!! Everyone of her websites I go to don't seem to have the lyrics of I think we're alone now. So I was wondering, if you all have the lyrics can you please Email them to me at Candee2816@aol.com? THANX Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 22:12:46 -0600 (CST) From: macattack_99@hotmail.com (Mindy A. Clark) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = yahoo For = nicemail When Tiffany first came out, I was only seven and my big sister was a fan of hers. I didn't know much about her back then. In 1997 when I was seventeen, I bought her greatest hits album. Later, I bought her first album. I still listen to 'em too. I think she's pretty cool. The reason I never noticed how cool she was back then is because we didn't have mtv and I always listened to country music. Today, I listen to all kinds, 60s, 70s, 80s, and of course 90s. Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 00:18:31 -0600 (CST) From: randall@sunet.net (michael randall) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = searched on web For = nicemail tiffany is the best female singer i have ever heard and i have all of her songs and i cherish every one of them. her music is so upbeat anyone can listen to her music tiffany you keep up the good work. lots of love from your biggest fan Michael Randall:o) Date: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 16:46:35 -0600 (CST) From: ronald.loetschert@sympatico.ca (Ronald Loetschert) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = Friends told me about it... For = nicemail you are the best singer that I know... I am always a big fan of yours... Date: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 20:27:58 -0600 (CST) From: stuart.mulholland@btinternet.com (Stuart Mulholland) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = Yahoo link Great site , I always wondered what had happened to her. I have some video footage of her appearance on a UK pop show singing "radio Romance" , when I work out how to put it on my PC and to compress it enough to make it viable to post or send , I`ll let you know , It may be rare ??? Keep up the good work !! Stuart U.K. Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 09:52:17 -0500 From: James Mac <bigmac@eyeworld.net> To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: shows will tiffany ever tour? Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 17:39:15 -0600 (CST) From: PADVIT@HOTMAIL.COM (PAUL D.) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = WHEN SEARCHING THE TIFFANY'S WEB-SITE For = info I'm a big fan of Tiffany #1amp; would like to request all Tiffany's Chart Singles History In The United States #1amp; as well as In U.K. Chart. Date: Mon, 07 Dec 1998 22:26:47 -0600 From: SRM <s-morgan@ix.netcom.com> To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: YOU SHE BRIGHTENED UP MANY OF MY DAYS. ALL I HAD TO DO WAS POP IN A TAPE. THANKS TO TIFFANY Date: Sun, 06 Dec 1998 13:45:31 -0500 From: Cybercheetah <cybercheetah@earthlink.net> Organization: http://www.brandyland.com To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Site I like your site. I am a fan of Jetsons: The Movie (not the jetsons in general but the movie was cool). I liked Tiffany's contribution on the soundtrack, and no matter what used CD stores, Sites, and auction sites I hit, I never find a copy of the out of print soundtrack. I am looking however, atleast for the lyrics to "home", track 9 on the CD. The lyrics site doesn't have it. Can you help? Elroy talks over the clip they use on the movie so it's tough to make it out! (and we're talkin the laser disc here). Thanks webmaster@brandyland.com Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 10:22:27 -0600 (CST) From: Data25@hotmail.com (Adje Vandenberg (real name : Erik)) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = Looked for anything related to Tiffany and found it in the "Mīs Links:Artist T" by using a search program. For = nicemail Hi,I already published my comments (positive ones,īcause Iīm a Tiffany fan) but I want you all to look out for the Dutch (female)singer "Anouk".She is trying to break through in the U.S. now after successfully "taken over" the Dutch radio #1amp; t.v. She has a single called "Nobodyīs Wife" and in the U.S. there will be a special version of this song,but I donīt like that version.I prefer the European version.But anyway,I wanted to mention the idea of Tiffany performing a few songs with Anouk.That would be great! Anouk has a great single out in Europe now,called "Sacrifice" about love and making sacrifices for eachother...My earlier message here was about the idea of Tiffany doing some songs with the Dutch rockband "Normaal".You can find information about Anouk and Normaal on the internet.It could be a huge comeback for Tiffany.I still think she should go into the rockmusic,but thatīs up to her to decide.I believe she is more into countrymusic,which can be great as well.The band "Normaal" has helped a countrysinger no-one believed inbefore and it was a great success!I believe she got a gold or platinum record for her album!And no-one would give her a chance,except for the guys from Normaal!!Think about it!!Feel free to drop me a line at data25@hotmail.com Iīd really like that.Bye. :=) From: "mark smith" <mark@contact.net.nz> Date: Sun, 6 Dec 1998 22:06:38 +1300 hi, just wondering,is tiffany still singing? what does she do now,its years since ive heard her sing, perhaps she"s retired from singing, i"d love to know? an old fan MARK SMITH mark@contact.net.nz Date: Mon, 30 Nov 1998 17:02:14 -0600 (CST) From: otter@wtvhmail.com (Edward Ott) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = through the Netscape Navigator search engine For = nicemail Fellow Tiffany Fans: I have been a major Tiffany fan since just after the start of her now- infamous mall tour. To me, Tiffany is one of those people who has been a survivor and continues to be a survivor. From her dealings with her family and George Tobin, her gracious gesture of switching places in the concert tour with New Kids, to her personal struggles both on and off the stage, Tiffany has shown me to be a very strong role model; even if she hit a few bumps in the road of life. Her music (and I do mean "her", even though she didn't do most of the writing of the songs till recently) goes beyond the usual garbage that you hear on the radio nowadays. Her voice resonates compassion, power, and feelings that are wise beyond her years. While she hasn't been in the proverbial "spotlight" lately, I still believe that she's doing just fine with her new role...as a mother and wife. I think I speak for many of you when I say that I hope to see her return to the musical scene in the very near future. Finally, while I have never (unfortunately) had the honor of meeting Tiffany in person; as one of her songs stated, she'll always be "Here in My Heart". Would love to hear from fellow Tiffany fans. I can be reached at: otter@wtvhmail.com Thank you, webmaster for a terrific site and God Bless to Tiffany and all her devoted and dedicated fans. For the Tiffer, Edward Ott (otter@wtvhmail.com) Baldwinsville, New York Date: Sun, 22 Nov 1998 20:00:17 -0600 (CST) From: Tiffany Million To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback For = nicemail Since my name is Tiffany too, I really really think that Tiffany is rad. She has been my hero since I was 5. I like her music. I like her hair too. When I grow up, I want to be like Tiffany since my name is Tiffany too. Date: Mon, 16 Nov 1998 21:47:11 -0600 (CST) From: SBALL@ARDMORE.NET (STEPHANIE BALL) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = TYPED TIFFANY TO SEE IF ANYTHING WAS THERE For = nicemail I CAN`T BELIEVE I LUCKED UP AND FOUND THIS SIGHT.I AM A VERY BIG FAN OF TIFFANY AND I WOULD REALLY LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANYONE WHO CAN LET ME IN ON INFO ABOUT NEW MUSIC OR EXCITING EVENTS.I TRIED WRITING TO HER FAN CLUB A WHILE BACK ONLY TO COME UP WITH A DEAD END.THANKS TO THE PEOPLE WHO POSTED THIS SIGHT!!!! Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 19:18:33 -0600 (CST) From: dandaman_ywg_ca@hotmail.com (syliva) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = hotbot we wanted to know what happend to tiffany? is she still around making wonderful music? does she still have wonderful looks and hair? please write back i will not be able to sleep!!!!!!!!!!! yours truly sylvia!!!!!!!!!!!! Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 18:32:35 -0600 (CST) From: Vedablue@webtv.net (James) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = Looking for Tiffany info. For = nicemail Hello,..I think I talked to you one time....acouple of months ago.My question is relating to the song "Spanish Eyes". I love this song (not to mention the whole 1st album which I think is fantastic) but I cant seem to understand all of the words to that song. Do you know it word for word? Has she gotten a new record contract yet? thanks again! From: "Sarah Grubbs" <sgrubbs1@purdue.edu> To: <webmaster@tiffany.org> Subject: tiff fans!!!!! Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 00:37:40 -0600 My roommate and I are the biggest Tiffany fans. We listen to her first two albums all the time. We were fans all through high school, and now we are in college and still listening to her. Please send info about where she is and what she is doing. Also where can we find her latest albums? Thank You, Sarah Grubbs and Misha Dillon Date: Wed, 11 Nov 1998 19:45:16 -0600 (CST) From: Tiffany Grobe To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = looked it up For = nicemail I was born in 1980 and I grew up with her music. She has inspired me to persue my dreams. Someday I hope to share my poetry with the world through my voice. I know its not easy, but I have a back up career. Hopefully I won't need it. Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 20:06:06 -0600 (CST) From: groa@niu.edu (george roa) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback tiffany rules! Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 22:53:42 -0600 (CST) From: poni@mail.on.rogers.wave.ca (Tom Waters) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback For = nicemail Once again, I must say that I love Tiffany. She has the true power of song in her voice and most of the lyrics she sings are very beautiful. I hope she comes back someday and becomes a hit again. Nobody can weave dreams like Tiff. With her gift of talent, she can rekindle old desires and joyful times of long ago and create new ones in the process. Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 10:35:48 -0600 (CST) From: monaco@lin2.tpu.ee (Neeme) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = AltaVista For = nicemail The world has become richer with one wonderful person - with Tiffany. Anyone, who has doubts about it, should just take a time and listen to her "Tenderly" ("Feelings of Forever" also will do, but not that much). If it won't move anything in your soul, then there's something very wrong - you have probably the heart of stone, then. The beauty of her sadness - if I should say something of her look. Check out the cover of her debut album. I leave all these worlds in my mouth unsaid. Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 18:08:11 +0200 (EET) From: Neeme Poder <monaco@tpu.ee> To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Hi! Hi! I wanna tell the world that Tiffany is one of the best this world could ever have. Why? Well...at first because Tiff was born at very beautiful time, the beginning of the fall (I was born two days before and five years after Tiff, so I'm 22). And what I really wanted to say is that Tiffany does not lie, I mean, in music. Just take a time and listen to her "Tenderly" or "Tiff's Back" from "New Inside". Or "Feelings Of Forever". Even words and melody can lie sometimes...I'm glad, Tiff didn't and I hope she does not as well. I think I'm inlove with her. Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 15:30:25 -0600 (CST) From: DuvalApril@quinnipiac.edu (April Leigh Duval) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = my friend sent me the screensaver For = nicemail I'm obsessed with tiffany(well I'm a girl, so not in the "love" way, but you know what I mean). My friends call me Princess Tiffany, and I do Tiffany concerts for friends back home and here at college. I went to the concert that New Kids on the Block opened for when I was younger at Great Woods, Massachusetts. I remember the shirt I got at the concert(cut-off turquoise, with her name in flourescent letters and the silouette of her face in white). I remember thinking who were these five guys opening for her, I just wanted Tiffany,( who would have known they were New Kids). I'd love any information on her, preferrably recent stuff. Thanks, April Leigh Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 14:42:33 -0500 (CDT) From: tpuckrin@yahoo.com (puckrin) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback For = nicemail To all true fans it is rumored that Tiffany maybe doing a tour in the U.S. and one city in Canada. If this is true I encurouge you all to go out and see her I will try to find out if this is true. Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 20:05:30 -0500 (CDT) From: melloyello1123@hotmail.com (Lauren) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = web search For = nicemail I've been a fan for a while now and I just needed to comment on your page. It's wonderful! (Not to sound cheesy or anything but its the best one out there!) At any rate, keep up the good work! Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 22:45:41 EDT To: webmaster@tiffany.org Mime-Version: 1.0 Subject: aloha (hello) hi, my name is jennifer. I am from Hawaii. First of all I love listening to tiffany's music ever since i was 5. Now I am the age of 14, and I wanted to perform her song "couldve been" at a talent show called brown bags coming up this winter. May I have permission to do that? Please let me know real soon. can you email me A.S.A.P. at localgirl89@hotmail.com.... thank you. sincerely, jennifer. Date: Wed, 07 Oct 1998 10:56:09 +0000 From: "Travis R. Hess" <trhcmh@epix.net> To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: 1988 Tiffany Concert Hi, my name is Travis. I saw Tiffany in concert in 1988 at the Forum Building in Harrisburg, PA. This was my first concert I ever went to. I went with a friend at the time. It was Tiffany at her best. She had a great voice. This concert still brings back memories. We were in the secord or third row and I leaned over at one point and touched Tiffany's hand. That was the greatest moment of my live, at the time. I still have the old program from the concet and a couple of Tiffany pins. If Tiffany would tour again, I would go see her in a heartbeat. I LOVE YOU, TIFFANY!!! Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 09:20:02 -0500 (CDT) From: trhcmh@epix.net (Travis Hess) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback WhereFound = search engine Hi my name is Travis. I've been a Tiffany fan since her first album. What has happened to her. The latest i have heard is that she was going to Nashville to try to get a county singing contact. But that was last year. Can anyone get me updated. Thankx. Date: Tue, 6 Oct 1998 02:15:47 -0500 (CDT) From: I'm.at.a.Friends.so.I.can't.use.this (Jolene Galloway) To: webmaster@tiffany.org Subject: Tiffany Web Site Feedback I love Tiffany and she will always be Here in my Heart. Unfortunately, I have strayed away from her, and have devoted my time and money to Deborah Gibson. Deborah has always been there for her fans, and I'm going to meet her this month. I will try to bring back those Feelings I had for Tiff. One problem I have, is the fact she will be doing country music. That's like Mariah Carey singing country. It doesn't go. Tiffany's voice is too powerful and soulful for that. Earlier Messages | Later Messages
This page was first created 03 Apr 1999, and was last modified 09 Apr 2002.