Tiffany Music:
Dust Off And Dance
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Released: May, 2005
Tiffany's 2005 album release was done independently of the traditional record companies, and made its debut
on CD Baby, the Internet retailer of independent CDs. As its title implies, it features dance music. Most of
the songs are co-written by Tiffany. There is also a remake of her '80s hit, "I Think We're Alone Now".
Buy it at CD Baby, or
Wikipedia entry
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Discography Entry:
6. Dust Off And Dance
USA Backroom Entertainment BR001
Be With U Tonite, Ride It, Kama Sutra (feat. Dre Wilson), Na Na Na, Everyone Get Down, Fly,
Artificial Girlfriend, Sacrifice, I Luv How You Feel, I Think We're Alone Now,
Artificial Girlfriend (Second Sun Remix)
This page was first created on 29 May 2005 and last modified 15 Sep 2013.
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